The work unit is the speech turn (individual interventions of each speaker along the interaction).
Each interaction has a unique ID, wich indicates:
- the language of the interaction: Catalan ('ca') or Spanish ('sp')
- the speaker ID, indicated with its Glissando ID
- the type of interaction: transport dialogue ('trd'), university dialogue ('und'), tourist dialogue ('tod') or informal dialogue ('fcd')
- a three-figure number indicating the turn number for that speaker.
For example:
- sp_f11r_fcd008: turn 8 of speaker 11 (female, radio professional), informal dialogue, Spanish
The following items are available for each interaction:
- The speech signal of both speakers (wav files, stereo, 16000 Hz sampling rate):
- Input signal from the fixed microphone ('.fix.wav' files)
- Input signal from the wireless (headset) microphone ('.wir.wav' files)
- The time-aligned phonetic and prosodic annotation for each turn (Praat '.TextGrid' files)
- Raw F0 and intensity values for each turn (Praat format):
- Intensity values obtained from the '.fix.wav' speech file ('.fix.Intensity' files)
- Intensity values obtained from the '.wir.wav' speech file ('.wir.Intensity' files)
- F0 values obtained from the '.fix.wav' speech file ('.fix.Pitch' files)
- F0 values obtained from the '.wir.wav' speech file ('.wir.Pitch' files)